Wrapping Up the OAL & Planning the Fall KAL

Have you looked at all of the beautiful outfits in the OAL FO thread on Ravelry? There’s some seriously impressive work there, and the OAL exceded my expectations. A surprising number of people knit their first sweater or sewed their first dress. I was really impressed! This morning Lauren announced the winners of the OAL prizes. Winners get an Untangling Knots pattern of their choice and a sewing pattern of their choice from Indie Stitches. Many of you asked if we’ll be doing this again next year, and that’s the plan! It was a ton of fun, and I want to say thank you to everyone who participated and made it such a great event.


Now that the OAL is over, I’ve started planning the fall KAL. It will be a simple KAL, but instead of just choosing the knitting project myself, I set up a few polls to let everyone help decide what we’ll be doing. Keep an eye on that thread because another poll may be added to choose the final pattern.






5 responses to “Wrapping Up the OAL & Planning the Fall KAL”

  1. I’d love to do a KAL in the fall! Especially if I can knit something with that beautiful minty/aqua yarn you have!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Again, I’d like to thank you and Lauren for the OAL, it was really fun ! Can’t wait for the next!

  3. Thanks for hosting – I’d definitely be up for taking part in an Autumn one! I’ve only been knitting for a few months and your patterns are brilliant for a newbie knitter – cute and clearly written – it’s made me really enthusiastic about knitting more!

  4. Yay, I would love to see a fall KAL! This past OAL that you and Lauren co-hosted was my first time participating in this sort of thing (and my very first time knitting a sweater) and I had such a blast Can’t wait to see what you have planned for the fall! 🙂

  5. Thanks for hosting the OAL. Yes, I saw a bunch of awesome projects. Although I didn’t finish, I did have a lot of fun and learned a lot about knitting.

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