My OAL Dress Bodice

For awhile there I was wondering how embarrassing it would be to not finish an outfit for an outfit-along that I was cohosting because I kept making plans to start my dress and then life would happen and I’d have to put things off. This weekend I actually got sewing, and things went really well.


I finished the bodice, which is really the most complicated bit of this dress. Unfortunately I ran out of thread at that point, but I ran out and got more on Sunday before I went and did family stuff. When I got home, I started to think about how I could finish my dress and get to bed on time that night if I left out the pockets and if I skipped this or that. I was really excited to get the dress done, but I realized I was too tired to do it properly if I was already thinking of corners to cut, so I ended up putting everything away. Getting the bodice done was good enough for one weekend because I still have next weekend to finish the dress and do it right.

P.S. I have a guest post on Rock + Purl for designers on what to blog about when you can’t blog about what you’re currently working on. Check it out! 





9 responses to “My OAL Dress Bodice”

  1. Looks great! I’m envious…I’m still tweaking my bodice muslin for my dress, and not at all confident that I’ll get it done before I leave for a conference next Monday, let alone the end of the OAL.

  2. Constance

    It’s gorgeous! I know the finished dress will be fabulous. The good thing is that it goes by super fast after the bodice so, I’m sure you’ll get a lot done this weekend.

    I’m gonna actually try to finish up a dress tonight. Hopefully, I won’t get in the zone and stay up too late 😉

  3. Hilary

    It’s looking lovely Andi, well done. Just cheered up my rather ‘down’ evening thanks:)

  4. Great start. It’s such a wonderful fabric.

  5. Love the fabric!!! I’m worrying about mine, too 🙂 I finished my bodice over the weekend, and I’ve just gotten to the waist shaping on the body of my Myrna! Wish me luck!

    1. Good luck! I think you can do it.

  6. I just got out of my procrastination this weekend too! We got plenty of time, right! 😉

  7. very cute – the colors are great! i am scrambling to finish up a dress for the OAL – got my sweater done today, except for sewing ribbon onto the back of the plackets. Looking forward to seeing your completed projects & thanks for an awesome sewing/knitting challenge idea with the OAL! 🙂

  8. It looks really good so far! I love the fabric. 🙂

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