Ohio Knitting Mills


I had a package come in the mail today, and it was my copy of Ohio Knitting Mills! I don’t add new knitting books to my collection very often now that I don’t rely on them for patterns, but I love getting books about knitting history. I have a few that have more of a British perspective, and this is my first book that’s about the US’s knitting history. I’m really enjoying reading it so far. The Rust Belt‘s heyday is one of those things that I’ve always known about in vague terms but never read about in detail, so it’s interesting to hear about the factory’s start-up, successes, and struggles. The book does include some patterns but they’re mostly there to be representative of what the mill was making. The patterns are broken up by decade with each section talking about American fashion trends from that period and how they relate to knitwear. I love that sort of thing, and I’m always on the hunt for more books about knitting history. Do you have any favorite books about the history of knitting or the textile industry?






One response to “Ohio Knitting Mills”

  1. Thanks for sharing this Andi. This looks like something I would like as well. I am currently reading the book Overdressed by Elizabeth Cline. In it, she talks about the decline of our domestic garment industry (due to production moving overseas) and about all the textile mills that shut down as a result. It’s so crazy to think this was all just in the last 30 years or so!

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