Teeny Tiny Muslin

A while back I signed up for Craftsy’s Sew the Perfect Fit class, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that I really found the time to go buy supplies and get started. While I’ve done a bit of sewing since I moved here, I never bought those little useful things like tracing paper and that little pointy roller to transfer marks from the pattern onto the fabric.


Once I had gathered up all of my supplies, I got a little overly excited and jumped in, following the directions in the class, but I skipped one important detail. I never checked to make sure I was cutting the right size. When I signed up for the class, I used Craftsy’s size information to pick my size, and they mailed me my pattern. According to their chart, I decided to go with the size 12, which was to a fit a 38″ bust and was the largest size in the first size group, and I figured that I would have to adjust for my chest. That’s the number I had in mind when I got my pattern and started cutting things out. It wasn’t until I was looking at the instructions, getting ready to sew all of my pieces together, that I noticed that size 12 on the pattern was four inches smaller than the size 12 Craftsy listed. Vogue’s size chart was completely different from the one Craftsy showed me, and the size I cut out was meant to fit a 34″ bust.


I jumped on my computer and sent Craftsy an email, and they’re sending me a new, larger pattern, but I wanted to keep sewing! I measured the pieces flat, and they’re pretty close to my actual measurements. I decided to sew them up for practice and squeeze into the garment to get an idea of what the dress is like. I have a harder time visualizing ease with woven fabrics so it was fun to see what too little is like. This is basically zero ease, and I can’t even sit down in the skirt. It’s good to know what that’s like because I like close fitting clothing, and now I know why I shouldn’t go overboard while fitting my next muslin. But most importantly, I realized that I have no idea how to get this dress pinned up accurately. How do single ladies who sew all of the time do this?!






15 responses to “Teeny Tiny Muslin”

  1. I have a zipper that I use just for muslins. I baste it in by hand so it’s easy to rip back out. It makes it much easier to get an idea of fit, especially if the zipper is supposed to go in the back! Hope that helps 🙂
    And how annoying about the sizing! At least you got it sorted 🙂

    1. That’s such a simple but brilliant idea! I’ll have to try it.

  2. I use an invisible zipper so that there isn’t a gap between the seams in the back. That helped me a lot when I did my basic block fitting. I figured as long as my horizontal lines were parallel to the floor and the bodice wasn’t cutting off the circulation on my body I’m doing good.

    1. I’m happy to hear that there actually is a trick to doing this by myself!

    2. Lisa S.

      The trouble with invisible zippers is that they’re more likely to break with a lot of use.

  3. I’ve been interested in taking that class myself so I’d love to hear your thoughts on it when you finish. That’s a bummer about your muslin but the whole point of a muslin is to mess up so you can work through it haha! Other than the zero ease, the fit looks awesome so you’re definitely on the right track! I’m looking forward to seeing your dress when it’s done 🙂

  4. Even if it isn’t the right size, it looks like you are making good progress. I look forward to seeing your future projects!

    And in the past I’ve used a dress form. It’s possible to make one out of cling wrap and duct tape. Although you do need a friend to wrap you up and cut you back out.

  5. Great job so far! I’m terrible at sewing – I don’t have the patience. But good for you! I admire you’re ability to try something new!

  6. oh you look fabulous!!! I hope you make one in this size in a stretch knit. Then you’d have some wiggle room.
    Pinning on your own is a nightmare… I’ve been hankering after a dress form for years 🙂 In the meantime I make do with helpful daughters.

  7. It sucks that the sizing was off and it is even more annoying when you get excited about a project and get delayed like that.

    None the less, I think the cut/style dress you choose, looks amazing and once everything gets sorted, your dress is going to be pretty freakin’ amazing.

  8. Well it LOOKS great, at least! Who needs sitting, after all.

    I managed to find a pretty good deal on a dress form after much extensive googling… unfortunately it’s not exactly my measurements and not adjustable, so still not perfect, but since I mostly use it for knitted things it’s not too big a deal. But it’s worth a shot to find one that’s close, at least in the waist…you can always pad out the hips/bust to match.

    This is the one I got (and it was almost twice as much when I got it…HARUMPH.) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0049H7Z4O/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    For that price, it is AMAZING. It’s relatively sturdy, it’s pinnable (the body is a hard styrofoam so it’s not infinitely pinnable like a real stuffed one, but still, pinnable until you manage to dissolve it’s insides), even comes with a spare cover and a loop to hang it up if you so desire.

  9. I think your muslin looks great (despite the fact that you can’t sit down!) . We’ve all been there before! LOL! Really looking forward to seeing the finished dress!

  10. Lisa S.

    If you can afford it, there are really good dress forms that you can pad to match not just your measurements but your shape. I love mine (although, unfortunately, it is shorter waisted than I am and that cannot be adjusted).

  11. A raw pattern muslin of the wrong size? I’m now convinced that nothing will look bad on you. 😉

  12. Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I featured your blog today on the post Wednesday Weekly Review #22!! (http://blueeyedbeautyblogg.blogspot.com/2013/03/wednesday-weekly-review-22.html)

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

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