I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, but last year I had a few goals for myself:
1. Graduate College
2. Get a Job
3. Don’t Move Home
4. Knit More Sweaters
5. Write More Patterns
I managed to accomplish 1-4 quite successfully. The first three are kind of a big deal, and I’m pretty proud of them, but they kind of interfered with my pattern writing so I didn’t do as well as I would have liked with #5. I’m totally okay with that, but in 2013, I’d like to revisit those two.
I don’t have any lofty goals for this year. I have much simpler plans:
1. Knit More Sweaters — You can never have too many.
2. Sew More — I’m finally living under the same roof as my sewing machine, and I’d like to get better at sewing.
3. Knit Some Slipper Socks — This seems pretty random, but I lost all of my store-bought slipper socks when I moved!
4. Figure Out How To Take Decent Photos In My Apartment — I’ve been working on this awhile, but I can’t get it figured out. I’ve been thinking about buying studio lights.
5. Publish More Patterns — I get patterns written, but the actual publishing stuff like photography and editing is where I’ve been dragging my feet. I might need to cut back on the self publishing and focus more on submitting to publications.
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