
I went out and bought yarn to finish my green and yellow sweater this weekend, but while I didn’t have that to work on, I frogged my blue cardigan with red scallops. I cast on to start that cardigan over, but it will have to wait until I finish my crocheted sweater. When I was getting yarn to finish my sweater, I also picked up some yarn that isn’t shown here for a secret project. I went from having nothing to work on to having too many options!


Does anyone else have this problem when they’re taking blog pictures? My sister’s dog Bjorn came to see what I was doing, and I ended up taking more pictures of him than my yarn.






10 responses to “Yarn!”

  1. Yes! I love taking pictures of animals!

    Looking forward to the finished crochet piece.

  2. On one hand it is sad that you ripped a sweater, but happily you can make it better, fast, stronger, than it ever was before.

    I have a big ball of yarn I intend to do that with.

  3. Gosh, Bjorn looks like he could be related to my dog. They have the same fuzzy blonde hair and face shape.

  4. Some pets just love having their photo taken! what a cutie. His nose is the colour of chocolate milk!

  5. I have a similar problem but it’s my 1 year old. He likes to come and see what I’m photographing. He looks so cute that I end up taking more photos of him than of my crochet and yarn. 🙂 I have now designated him my official photography assistant. 🙂

  6. Awww he’s so photogenic though!
    I have to say I was sad to see that sweater frogged, but at least it can have a re-do. It’s a great concept, and will look amazing when finished.

  7. Hehe, he’s so cute! I like his nose.

  8. When life hands you lemons. . . ? Great shots !

  9. Yes, pets love to help, don’t they?? Can’t wait to see the crocheted finish!

  10. Eileen

    At first, I thought Bjorn WAS a ball of yarn – lol
    Whenever I sit on the sofa to knit, my loverboy, Kovu, jumps up on the couch to bump my hand hand so that I’ll pet him. He continues to do that until I finally get tired of being distracted and put him outside. Seriously, that is the only way I can ever accomplish anything.

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