What do you look for in a blog? Are you looking for inspiration? Relatablity? Conversation? Entertainment? Friendship? Patterns or projects to try? Do you try to make your own blog reflect what you like about other blogs?
What do you look for in a blog? Are you looking for inspiration? Relatablity? Conversation? Entertainment? Friendship? Patterns or projects to try? Do you try to make your own blog reflect what you like about other blogs?
I don’t know many knitting people in my day to day life, and I spent a lot of time in the past several years moving from place to place. Knitting blogs have been my friends as I go to new places. I look for a conversation, some knitting and some personal, so that I feel like I have gotten to know the blog writer. It is a balance I try to maintain in my own writing.
I really enjoy reading blogs that have great stories (or mishaps) and pictures with great lighting. I suppose that is because that is what I strive for in my blog, so I find it inspirational to see it in other blogs.
I’m kind of terrible because I love hearing about mishaps. In my defense, I also really like reading about how they were saved.
It’s so hard to put a finger on it! I agree with previous speakers! ^.^
Conversation, work and new patterns in progress, inspiration, new ideas, great photographs, and personality! <3
What I look for in a blog is hard to define, but I gravitate towards knitters/designers who have a more natural “voice”, who are enthused about their work, and who lead me to other interesting projects/yarns or knitting related topics. So yes, I seek inspiration and that wow factor of seeing some newer patterns before they become trends.
As for searching for entertainment and friendship, yes and yes. I have to confess that two of my good virtual buddies were found through blogging and I am in touch with them very frequently. This fills a void, as none of my friends knit or want to hear about knitting.
As for my blog, I definitely feel the push to get better photos and edit my narrative down, I run on and on….but I also stay true to what I am.
I love your blog for the awesome photos you put up and for your sense of style in pattern, photo composition and topics. I also really enjoyed hearing about school while you were in England; my daughter was at Oxford around the same time.
It’s definitely difficult to summarize, especially when there are so many different enjoyable blogs out there.
I also like being able to find like minded people to chat with. I didn’t know very many knitters in real life for most of college.
I am new to blogging and I definitely try to make my blog reflect what I want to see. Nice big pictures. Not too much personal waffle. And informative. I like seeing people’s great results, but also how they got there!
I tend to look at blogs that provide me with inspiration. I love the fact you create your own patterns I wouldn’t have any idea were to start. Personally I’m also looking for like minded people. Hardly any of my friends are into crafting so getting feedback from people who enjoy the same thing is great. I’m live in the UK so blogging means you can travel the world from your sofa and meet loads of lovely people.
Ali x
PS I love your recent sweater despite your sleeve incident. If you hadn’t mentioned it no one would have known. Have a lovely week.
Thank you! I definitely enjoy the wordly-explorer aspects of blog reading. It’s interesting seeing other people’s experiences.
I would say I mostly look for inspiration and relatability. I’m more likely to subscribe to a knitting blog that features the types of projects I like to make, rather than blogs by knitters who like to do fun-fur projects, really intricate lace, or lots of baby projects. I like reading through the trials and tribulations of a knitter so I feel better about my own issues. Mostly I like blogs with lots of good pictures. And I honestly tend to avoid blogs that stray into personal lives a lot. If you read a lot of blogs (or go through spurts of blog reading, like I do) it’s too hard to keep track of.
I read a lot of blogs, on topics like cooking, photography, design and crafting. Most definitely, inspiration is my main reason for reading blogs, but I do enjoy cultivating relationships with some bloggers that hold the same interests. With few crafty “real-life” friends, I now know many bloggers well, and have gone on retreats to sew/knit/craft with them. That was unexpected, but I’m so glad it worked out that way.
I like to see the process as well as the finished objects and I love to read about the trials and tribulations with patterns/techniques as well. The bloggers I keep going back to are the ones I feel I ‘know’ personally and so they are the bloggers who share some of their personal lives as well as their crafts. I think this is reflected in my blog.
I look for gorgeous pictures and a bit of related text. Short snappy text, humourous is a bonus, and nice clear pictures.
And I personally am not interested in reading LOOOONNNGGGGG posts. Esp very long and personal posts. Show me the crafts!!
I have a few different types of crafty blogs I follow. Some are chock full of tutorials, patterns, awesome advice, etc. – something that helps me improve my own craft or inspires me to improve my blog :). Then I follow a few project oriented blogs with good writing and/or photos. These are also inspiring. Some of these I consider to be online “friends,” and I have ongoing conversations with the bloggers. I wish I had time to write a blog that is constantly filled with great tutorials and wonderful patterns, but I don’t, so I try not to beat myself up too much about it!
Sometimes I think that if I had the time, I’d do so much awesome blog stuff, but when I actually have free time, I spend it knitting! Haha!
I am a compulsive reader, there is very little I do not like.
Some are the blogs of friends, others have enthusiasm in spades, others are younger people who I relate to. Others are wildly popular.
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