I got out my pink sweater pieces to seam last week and I saw the most horrific thing I could imagine. There was a purl stitch where there was supposed to be a knit stitch and it was right in the center of the front across the bust line. I would have to rip out a couple of inches of knitting to get where I could unbind the neckline and drop down to fix the stitch. I brought my anger and frustration to Twitter and got a lot of suggestions for how to fix it. Lots of people suggested duplicate stitching over the purl bump to make it less noticeable, but I was afraid that would draw more attention to the problem. Melissa suggested cutting it out and grafting the hole shut. It seemed like the best option so I set my sweater aside for a bit while I mentally prepared myself to cut into my knitting.
Finally ready to deal with the stitch, I turned my attention back to my sweater today. I got everything out, prepared to cut a hole open and then I realized my sweater was inside out. Ridiculous, right? You’d think that would be something I would have noticed earlier. What I really had in front of my was a knit stitch in a column of purls. That’s much less noticeable and bumpy and an easier fix.
I thought about leaving it along because it was hard to see, but I decided to use everyone’s advice and duplicate stitched over the knit stitch. It wasn’t easy to see in the first place, but now it’s pretty much invisible! I have to admit that I’m both relieved and disappointed that I didn’t have to cut into my knitting. It would have been an impressive fix if I had.
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