House on Haunted Hill

I can’t talk about horrible campy horror movies without mentioning Vincent Price. My favorite Vincent Price move has to be House on Haunted Hill. It’s so over the top and low budget. It’s a haunted house movie and it’s enjoyably theatrical.

Do you have a favorite old horror movie? My mom and I always record tons of them in October on Turner Classic Movies to watch throughout the year and it would be hard for me to pick just one.






14 responses to “House on Haunted Hill”

  1. Oh that is definitely one of my favorites! I love Vincent Price so much. House of Wax is awesome, too.

    1. Andi

      Strangely, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original House of Wax. I’ll have to keep my eye out for it.

  2. love this movie! i miss vincent price. i love horror movies on TCM too.

  3. Dominique

    Its too bad I don’t like scary movies! I haven’t seen anything scary (only silence of the lambs without my glasses).
    The scariest I have seen is goosebumps and are you afraid of the dark? (which is an awesome young teen/preteen series made in Canada)

    Goodluck with your scary movies! I’ll be watching PG stuff on YTV. Last year’s fave was “my babysitter is a vampire”.

    1. Andi

      I loved Are you afraid of the dark? when I was younger! I enjoy the gentle scary stuff a lot, too.

  4. Ahahaha yessss I just got this on a DVD collection that includes The Terror, The Hitch-Hiker and The Bat this very weekend! My halloween is set!

    May I recommend the awesome nonsense that is ATTACK OF THE KILLER SHREWS”?

    1. Andi

      I totally have seen that one!! It’s amazingly bad! I loved it.

      1. I particularly enjoy the sizzling sexual tension between the main couple and also how everyone is drunk for at least 75% of the movie.

        1. Andi

          I love that they just taped stuff on some dogs and thought, “Yes! That’s just what a giant shrew would look like!”

  5. I’m not sure if it counts as horror, but there is always Plan 9 From Outer Space. I’m sure it was suppose to be scary, but I tend to laugh the whole way through. Especially in all the graveyard scenes where the detectives trip over the headstones (which look very much like cardboard)

  6. I’m not sure if it counts as horror, but there is always Plan 9 From Outer Space. I’m sure it was suppose to be scary, but I tend to laugh the whole way through. Especially in all the graveyard scenes where the detectives trip over the headstones (which look very much like cardboard)

  7. I love this one! I have it on DVD. And actually, this post reminded me that it *is* October and I should be watching all my best crappy horror movies, starting with the original Halloween, and ending with the classic Friday the 13th series, lol.

  8. I love this one! I have it on DVD. And actually, this post reminded me that it *is* October and I should be watching all my best crappy horror movies, starting with the original Halloween, and ending with the classic Friday the 13th series, lol.

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