This Weekend

This weekend I told myself that I would work on homework and do some design stuff, but Saturday rolled around and was beautiful. I decided to hit the thrift store and get the ingredients to make a pie instead. I walked to the shops and I remembered that the Farmer’s Market was running later this year than it used to so I stopped by. And what did I see?


Wool! I had never seen yarn at the Farmer’s Market before. The stand was selling mostly meat, including lamb. The yarn was a reminder of what I told myself I would do on Saturday, but I was on a new mission so I went to get the ingredients for pie.

I grabbed some lunch while I was there and I sat down at the tables outside to eat. A few minutes later a woman came and sat down at the table next to mine with a latte. She dug around in her bag for a bit and finally pulled out some knitting. It was like I couldn’t escape yarn. It was following me everywhere!


I made my pie, but I also dug out my little orange sketch book and doodled up some ideas. Last night I started swatching. I know I have two sweaters on the needle already, but nothing beats working on my own designs.







4 responses to “This Weekend”

  1. Man, oh man. That yarn looks lovely. I wish I could have been there to pet it.

    And another sweater doesn’t count if it is your own design. There is design knitting and relaxing knitting. There is also work yarn and project yarn. At least that is how I justify it.

    I’d love to hear a little about your process when you design a sweater. I find it absolutely fascinating.

  2. I wish my Farmer’s Market had yarn like that! I can’t wait to see your new design work 🙂

  3. Sounds pretty unavoidable to me! That yarn is lovely.

  4. Nothing more exciting than the swatch for a new design! It looks great so far. 🙂

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