While I was moving furniture I managed to get a huge splinter in my finger where my knitting needle rests. My finger hurt when I tried to knit so I decided to play with needle felting instead. That way all of my fingers could hurt equally!

I’m particularly pleased with the face. It got felted densely because I kept layering on details and I like that about it. I also like that it’s recognizable as a face. Part of the reason why I decided to make a little goblin man was that a goblin can be a little lumpy and weird but still look alright.
His arms and his legs are a little odd looking and too lightly felted because I was ready to be done by the time I got around to them. I might rip them off and redo them some day if I’m feeling ambitious.
He didn’t turn out too bad for my first needle felted project. I liked playing with the technique and I’m happy with the way he looks, but this isn’t really my style. My goblin looks out of place in my room. I can’t think of needle felting projects that might fit my style a bit better so I don’t think I’ll be needle felting very often. There’s also the I-Just-Spent-Hours-Working-On-This-And-All-It-Will-Ever-Do-Is-Gather-Dust factor, but I did enjoy repeatedly stabbing the wool so maybe I just need to be more inventive. We’ll see what happens.
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