I picked this cast on method to try next because the directions looked weird to me and I like weird things. The finished cast on edge isn’t dramatically different from the regular tubular cast on, but the process is quite different.
The Yarn Over Tubular Cast On requires a few extra steps because it starts with a provisional cast on that has to be removed later. I think this is why the tubular knitting lays slightly flatter than with the regular Tubular Cast On, but the stitches are a bit loose.
This guy has all the problems I ran into with the regular Tubular Cast On. It doesn’t fold up all the way with the ribbing. This was 3.25 inches wide when it was relaxed and it should have been 2 inches. That’s even worse than my regular Tubular Cast On. The Yarn Over Tubular Cast On stretched up to 6.5 inches making it the stretchiest CO method I tried, but I had to tug it to get it back into shape which is not okay with me.
I can’t imagine ever using this cast on method. It is incredibly similar to the regular Tubular Cast On, but it has more issues. Not a fan.
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