
Ladies and Gents, I’m throwing in the towel.  Things are not going well for me in the crafty department. I couldn’t get the lining to work for my granny square bag so I’m giving up on that idea.


I had originally been debating between making this bag or using the squares to make a pillow. I’ve started to rip apart the seams and I’m going to run with the pillow thing. Luckily I crocheted the seams so they’re quick to rip!






  1. That’s a shame. It would have made a rockin’ bag!

  2. aw! It’s so cute! It’ll make a cute pillow though too 🙂

  3. Awww, too bad! Love the gif, though, and a pillow will be super cute!

  4. That’s too bad. I can’t line yet, so I feel ya! Looking forward to seeing the pillow though!

  5. Sad! But at least you can reuse those amazing squares!

  6. What a shame the bag did not turn out as you planned. Hopefully one day you will get it !

  7. eva

    That’s a shame. It would have been a great bag.
    At least you still have the granny squares left for another project.

  8. Your gifs always make me smile! I’m sorry the crocheted bag didn’t work out, but the squares are awesome, nonetheless.

  9. Such a shame about the bag! Looks like it’ll be kinda fun to rip out the seams though 🙂 Good luck with the cushion! Always good to have a back up plan.

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