- I’m editing a pattern and I found a huge mistake so I have notes laying around everywhere from trying to find where the mistake originated
- Actual knitting! This is a WIP of another elastic belt. I work a row or two when the editing makes me crazy.
- This is the actual pattern I’m editing. There’s a post it note covering it up, but it’s not a secret.
- My printer finally has ink again which is awesome because I like writing my notes and corrections on the pattern before I fix them on the digital copy.
- Coke Zero. I drink that in mass quantities when I work on pattern stuff. I don’t know why I always turn to that, but I do.
- I have my fan on my desk, but I haven’t needed it yet. It’s been weirdly cool this summer.
- I’m watching season 2 of the X-Files while I work.
- There’s my friends activity on Ravelry for when I need pretty things to look at.
- At the bottom is the basic .txt version of the pattern. I keep it in this simple form as well as the pretty one because this opens a lot faster.
- This is my planner where I plot out a months worth of blog posts at a time and then I promptly ignore what I had planned.
- A giant stack of DVDs! On top are seasons one and two of the X-Files. My friend lent them to me and she only has those seasons. Below that are a bunch of old games that won’t run on my operating system (I was hopeful). Under that are season 2 of Angel, season one of the OC, and season three of Battlestar Galactica.
- I have elastic and scissors standing by for whenever I finish my belt.
What’s on your desk?
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