Happy Independence Day!


My sister and I have a tradition of wearing incredibly tacky outfits on the 4th of July, but sadly she isn’t home for it so I’m on my own.

We also have a tradition of driving our parents crazy by repeating lines from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I think I might spare my parents this year.

I hope you’re having a fun day! Do you have any weird summer traditions of your own?







6 responses to “Happy Independence Day!”

  1. I love It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia! My family doesn’t have any traditions unless NOT lighting fireworks counts?

  2. Your polka dot top is perfect for today!

  3. Hope you had a great 4th! If your outfit photo is anything to go by, at least the weather was good 😀

  4. If that is tacky then who wants to be stylish?!

  5. Kudos to you for working a knit into a patriotic outfit!

  6. I definitely watched that episode last night! Love the outfit!

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