Remember this?

I finished the body to my Audrey in Unst cardigan!


I’ve been working on a few rows at a time in between other projects. The lace was fun to do so I finished that pretty quickly, but the rest was kind of bleh.


It looks like it’s going to fit but not perfectly. It has the right amount of negative ease, but the shaping isn’t quite in the right places. This is partially my fault. I misread the pattern and left out one of the increase repeats for the bust. I’m missing 4 stitches because of that and I lost about an inch of length. It was mostly me, but I sort of blame the pattern. I really don’t like the way it was written. A lot of the repeats were written in ways that left me puzzled because I over analyze and over complicate things. Instead of saying “Rep rows 1-2 17 more times,” it says “Repeat these 2 rows for a total of 36 rows”. That left me wondering if I was supposed to have 36 rows including rows 1-2 or 38 rows which would be rows 1-2 plus 36. I went with the former but that threw me off later in the pattern where the repeats were written as “Rep Dec row every 6th row 5 times”. There I couldn’t figure out if I was supposed to work 6 repeats or 5. The crucial word “more” was not used consistently.


So, my sweater is an inch shorter than I meant it to be. Actually, it’s quite a bit shorter than I meant it to be. I’m trusting my swatch here. I’m knitting this using an alpaca and silk blend and my swatch grew A LOT vertically when I washed it. I’m counting on this sweater to do the same. That should hopefully move the hip shaping down slightly so everything fits a little better.

Maybe I’ll get a sleeve started sometime in the near future, but I’m not promising anything.






  1. very nice! I hope the swatch does you right and the length works out for you. I like the sweater!

  2. I found Audrey in Unst to be a PITA to knit too. But I’m pleased with my finished cardigan. I can’t be totally sure if it was worth it… but probably.

  3. This is one that I really want to wear, but yeah, I’ve heard parts of the pattern are a bit of a drag. The sweater looks beautiful so far! I really like it.

  4. Lookin’ good! I’ve been tempted by this design… but it just looks a bit boring. I guess that makes it the perfect, “pick up whenever” project!

  5. I can see why it would be frustrating about misjudging the shaping. But from here, it looks pretty good to me.

  6. I love the way it looks so far. The fit looks fine in these pictures.

  7. Ahhh, every time you talk about this I remember how badly I want to rip my failed one and start a new one. Sigh.

  8. I think it looks lovely! Can’t wait to see the finished product, whenever that may be ;p

    Also, that first photo is so cute.

  9. looks like its coming along nicely! Yeah, I’m not sure if it was my fault or just having different body shape but the shaping on my is too wide at the hem but perfect at the waist, which creates a bubble between waist and hips but luckily only I can notice it I think. I love mine otherwise!

  10. A lot of the repeats were written in ways that left me puzzled because I over analyze and over complicate things.

    See, that, right there, is why I haven’t even started mine yet. I keep reading about how confusing and bla and boring it is, and chicken out. But the FOs all seem so nice, so I guess it must be worth it!

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