I was taking my camera for a walk in town on Saturday when I saw this in a charity shop window.
I have a habit of drooling over old sewing machines in shop windows and stealing a picture, but this was the first time that I’ve seen an old sewing machine that was a price that I can afford. Despite the low price, I snapped a picture and walked away. I kept reminding myself that I’m in a different country and that it will be a pain in the butt to get it home. I kept reminding myself that I own a drum set and it takes up a lot of space so I don’t need to be buying purely decorative things that will also take up a lot of space. I kept repeating these two things to myself for the rest of my walk.
Later when I got back to my computer, I showed my sister the picture. She showed it to my mom who said that she would take it home for me when she came to visit if I really wanted it. The next morning I somehow ended up Googling the text on the sewing machine and I found out that it is probably from 1914 and it’s in really good condition.
I think I’m going to go buy it today even though it’s big and useless. It’s just so pretty!
Update: I went to go get the sewing machine and it was gone from the window. I went inside and asked about it. It sold earlier this morning. I guess it wasn’t fate, but I’m not horribly gutted about it.
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