
Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet. I had a bunch of papers due last week and then some I-might-not-get-home-for-Christmas anxiety because I had to fly through Charles de Gaulle. Anyways, I made it home eventually and there was a big box of yarn waiting for me on my bed!


I ordered it for a school project. I’m going to adapt Alice in Wonderland into a sweater with some intarsia work. Yes, I am sort of stretching the assignment so I can do something I enjoy but whatever. Apparently someone adapted a book into a cake for this project one year so I feel alright doing a sweater. It’s due at the end of March so I’m going to have to put most of my other knitting on hold until I can get this done unfortunately.

I want to get a head start on this over Christmas break, but I left my knitting reference books in Lancaster on accident. I’ve never done intarsia “correctly” before so I wanted to read up on it before I got started. Can anyone recommend some easy to find technique books on knitting color work?







2 responses to “Intarsia?”

  1. Ugh, intarsia is HARD. I avoid it at all costs. Have fun!

  2. Intarsia is a little challenging, just because of all the bobbins that can tangle up but other than that it’s pretty easy going. Tension is always tough with any type of stranding but I don’t think it’s anything that a good blocking can’t fix. I’ve seen great instruction in The Big Book of Knitting, and I believe there is some decent info in Vogue’s Ultimate Book if Knitting.

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