Instead of being a good little student, I’ve been working on knitting stuff. Yay! I was working on that other one and I reached the cuffs where the lace panel ends. For some strange reason, the lace didn’t match up with the other sleeve. I had an extra half of a repeat. I thought that maybe I had knit too many rows so I counted all the rows on the inner arm on the left sleeve and then I counted all the rows on the inner arm on the left sleeve. That was soooo much fun. They added up the same so I flipped the sleeve over and counted all the short rows. Even more fun! The numbers were still the same. I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. Then I saw this…
I skipped some rows of the lace repeat there. Oops. I’m pretty sure that happened when I was working on the sleeve in the dark during this weeks film screening for Lit and Film. The mistake happened at about the elbow. I had to rip back past all the lower arm shaping to get to it. Gah. I thought about leaving it, but I’m not on a deadline to get it done so I might as well make the sleeves match.
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