How did I lose 20 stitches?!


I was motoring along on my Audrey in Unst quite happily and was on my first row of the waist shaping when I noticed that I was twenty stitches short. How does that happen? I counted my live stitches twice. Still short. I counted along the cast on edge. The stitches just weren’t there. I’m not sure what went wrong. When I cast on, I thought it was weird that I had so much of my tail (I used a long tail cast on) left over, but I counted my stitches more than once and it seemed right to me so I went ahead with things. My only guess is that I got the wrong stitch count stuck in my head and thought that I was supposed to have 20 less stitches. I just wish that I had noticed before I was 6 inches into the sweater. Gah.

Before I frogged everything, I frantically tried to figure out if I could just make the sweater with what I had and eliminate some of the back decreases. The pattern has like 2 inches of positive ease through the hips on me. I thought I might be able to fudge things. I tried calculating everything out and my screw up would have given me 2 inches of negative ease through the hips where the ribbing was. Unfortunately, since I decided to add length to the cardigan in stockinette as well as shorten the ribbing, my stockinette gauge would have caused me to have 5.5 inches of negative ease also through my hips. That just wasn’t going to work. I’m was already suspicious of this sweater turning out too small because my swatch grew when I washed it and I used that gauge so the gauge of my unwashed sweater in progress is even smaller. I was a bit nervous about the size before I knew that I was 20 stitches short. I frogged everything and cast on again. I have five rows knit and feel kind of silly for making that mistake.






20 responses to “How did I lose 20 stitches?!”

  1. I’m sure we’ve all done that before and kicked ourselves for it. Sucks that you lost that much progress but it’ll go fast this time around!

  2. I’m sure we’ve all done that before and kicked ourselves for it. Sucks that you lost that much progress but it’ll go fast this time around!

  3. It’s really annoying when something like that happens! ugh.

  4. It’s really annoying when something like that happens! ugh.

  5. Arrrgh. That’s the worst! Good luck!

  6. That happens to me too. It is usually when it is stocking stitch and I think I don’t have to concentrate on that bit. It is annoying isn’t it. I love the Audrey in Unst pattern though and am looking forward to seeing it. Good luck with the rest.

  7. That happens to me too. It is usually when it is stocking stitch and I think I don’t have to concentrate on that bit. It is annoying isn’t it. I love the Audrey in Unst pattern though and am looking forward to seeing it. Good luck with the rest.

  8. Arrgh! It is annoying, but good you noticed it – even if it means frogging 6” of a sweater.

  9. Arrgh! It is annoying, but good you noticed it – even if it means frogging 6” of a sweater.

  10. oh noooooo. All the twisted rib. All those ptbls. Weeps! weeps!

  11. oh noooooo. All the twisted rib. All those ptbls. Weeps! weeps!

  12. Haha, oh no! I’ve totally done stuff like that though.

  13. Haha, oh no! I’ve totally done stuff like that though.

  14. That especially sucks because of the twisted ribbing. I’m sorry to hear that, but hopefully the fit will be perfect the second time around. Audrey is next in my queue; it’s such a cute cardigan.

  15. That especially sucks because of the twisted ribbing. I’m sorry to hear that, but hopefully the fit will be perfect the second time around. Audrey is next in my queue; it’s such a cute cardigan.

  16. oh no!!! Ugh, even though this stuff happens to all of us some times, it still doesn’t make it any easier when you’re frogging 6 inches of knitting!! But once you’re done and you have an awesome, great-fitting FO, the pain will be gone. 🙂

  17. oh no!!! Ugh, even though this stuff happens to all of us some times, it still doesn’t make it any easier when you’re frogging 6 inches of knitting!! But once you’re done and you have an awesome, great-fitting FO, the pain will be gone. 🙂

  18. That totally sucks! I’d have tried to figure out a way to keep it as well, but sometimes you just have to frog. I hope this time you’ll finish the sweater without any other issues!

  19. […] frustratingly ripping back my Audrey in Unst because I was missing a few stitches, I didn’t really want to look at it again for a while. I started some swatches for another […]

  20. […] frustratingly ripping back my Audrey in Unst because I was missing a few stitches, I didn’t really want to look at it again for a while. I started some swatches for another […]

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