I admit this is a weird thing to wonder about, but I’m working on two hats at the moment and using both methods of decreasing and I keep wondering which people prefer. If you make hats from the top down, ignore this.
Option 1 is very tidy looking but it creates obvious angles. To me, it looks more skillful. Option 2 is a little less tidy looking and tends to look swirled. It makes a very round shape. I usually am knitting a beret or a slouchier hat so I typically go with #2 because #1 needs a head filling it out to hide the angles.
They both have their problems and their perks. I was wondering if other people have a preference?
How do you prefer to decrease on the crown of a hat?online survey
ETA: Please ignore that superfluous period in my little graphic. And while you’re at it, ignore how crappy that graphic is.
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