

I’m always surprised by the number of knitters that I run into who don’t have stitch treasuries. I use mine more than any of my other knitting books. I have A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker.


They’re quite inspiring. My book is loaded with sticky notes that have ideas jotted down for projects, notes on modifications, or rows converted to in the round. I love playing around with stitch patterns when I don’t know what to knit.

A stitch treasury is handy even if you aren’t doing design work. Sometimes I use mine to make simple things like cowls in an all over stitch pattern. You could also use them to replace a panel or stitch pattern in a pattern with something that is more to your taste. Like wise, you can use a stitch treasury to find a stitch to jazz up a plain pattern like a basic beret. It’s an easy way to spice up your knitting.






  1. I love mine too–I have Ms Walker's first, second and mosaic stitch treasuries, and am contemplating purchasing the third one because I just can't seem to get enough!

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  3. I have never seen one of the Barbara Walker Treasuries, but own some of the Harmony Guides (Knit & Purl, Lace & Eyelets, Cables & Arans, Colourwork and Knit Edgings) as well as a couple of other mixed stitchionarys, and, as you say, they are by FAR my most turned-to books for inspiration and sometimes just browsing, and like your own mine are full of bookmarks and sticky tabs with notes!I didn't in fact know that I had 5 of the Harmony treasuries just until just then – I had to go over to the sofa to pick up the books there and then consult the shelf – they are in such use that they are never all on the shelf together (and my work area is untidy :oP)

  4. I have no stitchionary (yet), but I'm in the selection process and want one desperately.

  5. I just recently got that Treasury; great for browsing 🙂 Is there a color-code system to your sticky notes ?

  6. I am sort of ashamed to admit that I do not have a stitchionary! I have a set of cards that shows you different cable patterns… but that's about it.

  7. I don't have any stitch treasuries but I'm on the prowl for some right now. I found an old one at a used book store but it was super expensive for a book published forty years ago. So, still prowling.

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