I have a decent sized stash. Some of it cycles through pretty quickly. That’s usually plain merino wool in a solid color. That stuff doesn’t last more than a year in my stash because it gets knit up pretty quickly. I’m going to share with you the stuff that lurks in my stash for ages.
That would be this stuff. It’s too pretty for me to get rid of it unless there was a special reason. I was hoping to pass some of this stuff along in a swap I’m participating in but none of these met all of my swapners likes.
This guy is hand dyed rayon and silk. The hank has like 600 or 700 yards but I don’t know what the hell to do with it. It’s not a color combination that I really wear. I bought it when I was 17 and the colors reminded me of dragons (???) so I ignored the fact that I don’t really wear them.
I bought this yarn to make Ice Queen. It’s Crystal Palace Kid Merino. I wasn’t sure how much yarn I needed so I just bought a lot. I couldn’t find the right beads so I put the project on hold. About a year later I found beads for the project and I have those hanging around here too. A little after I bought the beads I realized two things. 1) I probably would never wear this cowl. It’s not my kind of girly and I don’t like things that flare out over my shoulders like that. 2) I had bought supplies in colors that I also don’t really wear. I could probably work this stuff into my wardrobe now, but not so much at the time.
This stuff was on sale. It’s Crystal Palace Taos. I had used a skein of it before to make my Quant so I knew I liked the yarn. I bought the bag of three with nothing in mind for it. This yarn has one up on the rest. These are colors I wear. They’re vibrant colors with the right yellow, the right green, and the right pink. I just am not a big variegated yarn person. I like to see my stitches clearly and I want my stitch patterns to be obvious. Despite that, this yarn is the mostly to get used because I know I love the way it looks as entrelac. I just need to figure out what I want to make with it.
I’m open to all suggestions about what to do with these yarns!
For more posts on this topic by other bloggers, Google KnitCroBlo7 or click this link. Today is the last day of Knitting and Crochet Blog week. I really enjoyed and want to thank Mimi for arranging it. I will be going back to my usual posting schedule of 2-3 times a week.
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