KnitCroBlo2: An Inspirational Pattern

Somewhere along the line I developed a laughably egotistical attitude towards knitting. I think my logic is something like I can read patterns, I can read my knitting, and I can learn (or already know) techniques therefore I can knit anything. It’s a bit silly but I can’t help it! What do I have to aspire to? Patience. I don’t like teeny tiny needles. This partially has to do with comfort in my hands but it’s also because I’m impatient. I’d like to have the patience to knit The Tea Garden Dress from A Stitch In Time. It’s a beautiful dress, though I realistically know that I should never knit that because it would look terrible on me.

Here’s a pattern to inspire me that would get worn and would be useful.


That would be Kingdom. I could always use gloves because I have a hard time finding ones that fit my hands. I have relatively long fingers and generally have extremely long nails. I’ve only found one pair of gloves that fit my hands in the past 5 years. It didn’t matter much until I came to WA where it gets cold sometimes in the winter. Next year when I’m in Lancaster, gloves would probably be handy.


Look at these things. They’re beautiful. There would be two challenges for me with this pattern. Challenge #1 would be using the teeny tiny needles. Challenge #2 would be all of those cables. I can do cables but I’m generally a mindless knit kind of person (probably because I always watch TV/movies when I knit). These cables are going to take attention. Mostly what it comes down to is that these gloves are going to take time and attention and I’m not the most patient person ever.

Now that I’m looking at this pattern I remember buying needles to make this. I guess I have to do it now. =P

To see more posts on this topic by other bloggers, Google KnitCroBlo2 or be lazy and click this link.

These photos do not belong to me. They’re from the designer’s Flickr. Clicking on them will take you to her account.






  1. We're only on day 2 of this knitcroblo-journey and I've already added two patterns to my queue! I don't know what I'm going to have committed myself to by the end of the week ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Those are gorgeous! I've ridiculously long hand too (they are as long as most guy's hands I know), but SUPER scrawny (size 5 ring) so storebought gloves NEVER fit. I'm scared of the teeny tiny fingers!

  3. I have a very egotistical attitude as well, and my train of thought followed yours exactly!!! Those are beautiful gloves… too bad CA is never that cold ๐Ÿ™

  4. I feel you on wanting to knit things that you KNOW will look terrible on you…the gloves are assured to be lovely though.

  5. I'd agree that patience (or the lack thereof) is one of the defining differences between knitters — have a lot and you'll knit very differently from the one who has little. Hope you get enough to knit those gloves, they look well worth the time and effort.

  6. The winters here in Wa can be pretty harsh that is for sure. Those gloves are pretty. Funny enough as long as I have lived in Wa I still don't wear mittens or gloves I do however have a love of fingerless mitts.

  7. It's a lovely pattern! I believe that too about knitting, that if I follow the instructions, it will work out. I like it because it helps me try new things, I just have to trust the pattern and not be afraid ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Those are beautiful gloves…I'll have to add them to my queue, even though I'm not ready to knit them, I fear. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Oh, wow, that is a lovely pattern. I've knit a glove on size 1 needles…only to have it fit oddly. Ugh. Those are awfully tempting, though…

  10. Definitely make them! I did this summer, and they got so much wear.

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