Better than Vintage

What’s better than vintage? Handmade just for you of course! My mom made me these gingham dresses when I was a kid.


I wish I could pretend that I made them myself but I don’t have that kind of skill.

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When I out grew the first one, my mom made me the second. I wore the second one when I was in kindergarten.

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The details are amazing. My mom did all the embroidery herself. I love the puppy dress. I had a serious dog obsession when I was a little kid.

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The smaller dress has little buttons all down the back. I think they’re painted ceramic. They’re definitely not plastic. The larger dress had cute little yellow bows on the sleeves but only one is left. I love these dresses. I’m home at my Parents’ house where the dresses live so I thought I’d share them with you.






  1. Oh, you are so cute! How sweet of your mom to make you a new version of this dress and the embroidery is so cute! It shows that she loves you SO much! You are right that handmade is better than vintage especially when the hand made item was made for you! thank you for sharing! And I scrolled through your blog for while. You have some mad skills girl! I LOVE your bow headband necktie thing SO MUCH! Someone you should check out is Mel from Idee_Geniale She has like a fetish for headbands and makes some on her own as well. She sells hers on esty I I think your things would do phenomenally well on there! If you were interested in selling them online that is. Anyway, Happy to find you!

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