Category: Sewing

  • Old Craft Mags

    When I went to visit my friend in Boston in July, her mom let me go through her giant stash of old craft magazines that she had bought at a yard sale. I loved looking through all of the old issues. She let me pick out a few and take them home with me. I…

  • Rock Your Cares Away

    Once upon a time, I was exploring a thrift store and something orange caught my eye in the children’s rack. It was a little boy’s shirt with white trim and some happy singing Fraggles on the front. The shirt was clearly too small for me, but I brought it home anyways. When I got home…

  • Angles Suck

    I measured carefully. I gave myself enough seam allowance and I gave myself extra ease through the peaks of the triangle. I’m not sure how it happened, but the triangles on my lining at the top of the bag are too small to fit the crocheted shapes. The rest of the lining fits perfectly. It…

  • Granny Square Bag Progress

    Last night I dug out all of my granny squares and started seaming them together. I left it flat so I can use it to make a template for the lining. I haven’t decided if I’m going to follow the lines of the granny squares to sew up the lining or if I’m going to…

  • Dress Repairs!

    Spring this year left me with a weird craving for florals. I think it might be because spring for me this year actually resembles my idea of spring. Spring in Washington State, much like the other seasons in Washington State, is really rainy and makes me crave woolly things. So, with florals in mind, I…