Category: Life

  • Fat dog on Film

    Whenever I had one last shot on a roll of film this summer, I would snap picture of Bean thinking that I would then get the roll developed promptly (ha!). She’s photogenic even when she is wet and muddy from playing in her dog pool. I wish I could have her with me at school.

  • Back to School!

    You might have noticed that post have been rather infrequent lately. I was busy packing up all of my things and moving up to school. Two car repairs and one giant wood splinter later, I finally got here and settled in. I just finished my first day of classes and finally was able to pick…

  • Boston and Places

    The problem with using real film is that one has to get prints and I’m not always very timely about that. I went to visit one of my best friends in Boston during the last week of July and I finally got my film developed and printed. I had an amazing time visiting her and…

  • Remember how I said that I love movies?

    When Casey posted about her Cherished Collections blog tour it reminded me that I’ve been meaning to write about my ticket stub collection. I didn’t mean to start this collection. I’d go to the movies and I’d stuff my ticket stub into a credit card slot in my wallet. When the slot became too full…

  • What’s on my desk?

    I’m editing a pattern and I found a huge mistake so I have notes laying around everywhere from trying to find where the mistake originated Actual knitting! This is a WIP of another elastic belt. I work a row or two when the editing makes me crazy. This is the actual pattern I’m editing. There’s…