Category: Free Pattern
New Free Pattern: Adorable Fingerless Mitts
I’ve got a new free pattern up on Tuts+ for these cute, fingerless mitts with fern lace running down the backs. I knit mine using a skein of Quince and Co. Chickadee on 5 mm needles. I’m starting to really love fingerless mitts because they’re so fast to make. If I hadn’t been taking step-by-step…
New Beginner’s Pattern: A Gorgeous Kerchief
This summer I started writing knitting tutorials and patterns for, and the first one is up! It’s a beginner level pattern for a simple ribbed kerchief. It’s targeted towards knitters who can cast on, knit, and purl and are ready to branch out a little, so it includes detailed instructions on the two double…
Bea: A New Headband Pattern
I’ve let my hair get pretty long, and I wear it in a pony tail or bun more often. Hats look a little strange over my hair when it’s up like that, and my old headbands from my early days of knitting don’t really suit my style. My solution last winter was to knit this…
Iz: A New Cowl Pattern
Every year I think to myself, “I’m going to do something fun for the holidays on my blog.” After that, I promptly forget about it until it’s too late to plan anything. But not this year! I thought it would be fun to share three of my personal patterns, stuff I made just for myself…
The Majestic Moose
Surprise! I have a new pattern that is part of the Knitty Surprise. It’s called The Majestic Moose. I love tacky Christmas sweaters with animals on them, but I never feel like I can wear them before my birthday (the last day of November) or after Christmas. I wanted to come up with something that…