Category: Blogging
Untangling Knots Turned 10!
Last Friday I was knitting with my friends, and we got on the topic of my blog. I mentioned that this space will be ten years old next year, which is kind of cool, and the conversation moved on to other things. Well, I got home that night and got into bed, and it suddenly…
News for the New Year
Happy new year, everyone! You might have noticed that has had a remodel. It’s now much easier to navigate the pattern shop, and if you’re reading this on your phone, it should actually look nice! If I’m remembering correctly, the previous version of the site was from when I was still in college, and…
Recommended Reading #5 – Seattle Bloggers
Indie Knits Stariel Knits Paper Tiger Erin B, Knitter Seattle has a big knitting community, and I thought it’d be fun to share some local bloggers! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a Recommended Reading post, but the old rules still apply. If you have any blog recommendations, leave some links in the…
Recommended Reading #4
Art Equals Happy Lucky Lucille Kessa in Stitches Truly Myrtle It’s been a while since I put together one of these! Here are a few of the blogs I’ve been enjoying lately. What have you been reading? Do you have any recommendations for me?
Keeping to a Schedule
Regular content makes for regular traffic which is a good thing if you’re trying to build your readership. The easiest way to keep your posts regular is to write out a blogging schedule. A schedule will give you a clear picture of what needs to be done to get posts out on time and will…