Tag: Summer of the Blog
Easy Access
After you put together an attractive blog layout, it’s important to think about how it functions. You want to keep your information as accessible as possible. Here is a short list of things should always be easy to find from the front page of your blog. I’m sure everything on this list sounds obvious, but…
Reader Friendly Blog Layouts
There are no hard and fast rules for putting together an attractive blog layout. A lot of it is subjective. That said, there are a few things you can do to make your layout more reader friendly. 1) Pick the right fonts. Don’t use a novelty font for your body content. Those are best used…
5 Ways to Attract New Readers
“What do I write about?” is probably tied with, “How do I get readers?” for the most frequently asked question about blogging. Here are my top five ways to find readers for your blog in. 1) Comment – Probably the most common answer to, “How do I get readers?” is, “Comment on other blogs!” It’s…
What Do You Look For In a Blog?
Whenever I fall into a blogging funk I always try to think about what I look for in blogs I like to read. It’s easier to look at other people’s work and recognize what I like about it than it is to do the same with my own. When I figure out what elements I…
How Much Personal Is Just Right?
Last week I wrote about different kinds of craft blog content, but a lot of craft blogs feature more than just crafty stuff and that sort of content tends to be more personal. When it comes to Untangling Knots, I don’t talk about my life very frequently. Aside from the fact that my existence is…