Tag: Design
Elsa: A New Crocheted Jacket Pattern
I’m really excited to share with you my latest pattern. Last summer, this sweater was my big experiment. Could I design a crocheted garment? The answer was yes, and the next question was could I write a crochet pattern for a garment? That got a big fat yes, too! My test crocheters finished the pattern…
Weekend Reading
Oh, how I love books and magazines! This weekend we had gloomy weather, and my car decided that Sunday would be a good day to die. But luckily I had a collection of great things to read to take my mind off of the less pleasant parts of my weekend. On Friday my copy of…
Riverine Pullover in Pom Pom
Remember how I’ve been doing a bit of secret knitting this year? Well, it wasn’t all for swaps! I have a new pattern in the summer issue of Pom Pom Quarterly, which is the cutest quarterly knitting magazine ever. When I think of summer knitting, I think of patterns that are both fun to wear…
Marion – A New Cardigan Pattern
It took me a while to finish this pattern, but I’m okay with that. Since I bought the yarn for this, I graduated college, found my job, released a few other patterns, and properly settled in to life in Seattle. Not too shabby, right? I originally knit this to wear during Seattle’s cool summer weather,…
Bea: A New Headband Pattern
I’ve let my hair get pretty long, and I wear it in a pony tail or bun more often. Hats look a little strange over my hair when it’s up like that, and my old headbands from my early days of knitting don’t really suit my style. My solution last winter was to knit this…