Tag: Books
The Knitter’s Book of Yarn
I’m on the first sleeve of my sweater, and naturally I find myself daydreaming about future sweaters and what kind of yarn I’ll knit them from. That got me thinking about The Knitter’s Book of Yarn and how much that book has improved my knitting. When most people talk about the books that changed their…
Weekend Reading
Oh, how I love books and magazines! This weekend we had gloomy weather, and my car decided that Sunday would be a good day to die. But luckily I had a collection of great things to read to take my mind off of the less pleasant parts of my weekend. On Friday my copy of…
I’m always surprised by the number of knitters that I run into who don’t have stitch treasuries. I use mine more than any of my other knitting books. I have A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker. They’re quite inspiring. My book is loaded with sticky notes that have ideas jotted down for…