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I’m waiting around for my friend to come pick me up. We were going to have a picnic and hang out in the park but today is going to be 100+ degrees out. Not the best weather for being outside. I think we’re going to go out to lunch somewhere instead. It’s not quite the same, but it will do.

Today I’m wearing one of my favorite band t-shirts. I love band tees but they’re hard to wear stylishly in the summer because you can’t really wear layers. Don’t ask me why I thought it’d be a good idea to wear a black shirt when it’s this hot out. I couldn’t answer. I’m also wearing my cat’s eye sunglasses. I bought them on the same trip as the dress I wore yesterday. I don’t wear them too much because they have cheap overly dark lenses so they’re not the best for driving and such. Today I’m not driving so I thought I’d break them out and wear them.






  1. so which band is it? I can't really read it. looks like it was cool out considering how hot it seemed to be from what you wrote!!!

  2. I loved your simply out together outfit! Your hair looks so damn good!!!

  3. It's The Horrorpops. They're a psychobilly band.

  4. I have those sunglasses in white! I got them cause they're an exact replica of a pair of glasses my grandma had back in the 50s.

  5. very those sun glasses! I'm in dire need as I always lose them:)

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