Stray is one of those patterns where I always get excited when I see new finished versions of it added to Ravelry. With the intentionally random colorwork pattern and occasional three color rounds, it’s a bit demanding to knit. I think the results are worth the effort, and it’s always extra special for me when I see new Stray projects added to Ravelry.

Erin’s stood out to me because it looks so cute on her! I’m not going to pretend like that’s not a reason I pick out projects to feature. I love it when I see projects on people, and it just seems like it was meant to be. Erin is a leopard print lover, and the beret suits her perfectly.

Look at those guts! Pretty nice for her second stranded colorwork project, right? Erin is MissCrayolaCreepy on Ravelry, and her blog has the same name. You can find her project notes on Ravelry and a more detailed post on her Stray on her blog.
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