I didn’t mean to start this collection. I’d go to the movies and I’d stuff my ticket stub into a credit card slot in my wallet. When the slot became too full I’d pull out all the stubs and leave them in a pile on my desk. The pile got bigger and bigger, but I never threw it away.
One day when I was cleaning my desk I realized that I had a nice little collection of stubs. I decided that it needed a proper home and my mom gave me this pretty box to keep my collection in. The box has been around our house forever. I think my mom has had it since she was my age.
I have 106 ticket stubs. 91 of them are from movies. The oldest stub with a complete date on it is from January of 2002. Most of the stubs only have the month and day on them. That makes it sound like I average 10 movies a year, but the truth is that my collection is obviously incomplete. For example, I only have stubs for the 3rd, 4th, and 8th Harry Potter movies, but I know I’ve seen them all in theaters.
It’s fun to go through my stubs and see obvious trends. I love me some super hero movies. I noticed that I’m missing some stubs here because I went to the first Iron Man in theaters as well as all of the X-Men and Spiderman movies. I also couldn’t find any Hellboy stubs.
And I was surprised to find out that all of my Lord of the Rings stubs just say Lord of the Rings. Except for the small green stub that’s from when I saw Return of the King a few weeks ago, I have no idea which movies these go to.
While it’s frustrating that almost none of the tickets have the year on them, I can usually look up the release date if I’m really curious. This stub is driving me crazy, though. It was in my wallet way too long and now I can’t read the movie title. Any guesses as to what it was?
ETA: Britta figured it out. It’s from Sweeney Todd.
You can see other people’s collections here if you’re curious. Do you collect anything?
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