Once upon a time, I was exploring a thrift store and something orange caught my eye in the children’s rack. It was a little boy’s shirt with white trim and some happy singing Fraggles on the front. The shirt was clearly too small for me, but I brought it home anyways.

When I got home I dug through my boxes of old clothes that were waiting to be refashioned until I found the perfect match for my Fraggle shirt. It was an old shirt of my mom’s with cheerful swirls of color. It was too big to wear, but I loved its colors.

I took the two unwearable shirts, chopped them up, and made them into something new. I love this top even though I don’t wear it much anymore. It always makes me happy.

I’m not sure if I’ve blogged about this shirt before. I made it in high school and I get excited every time I rediscover it in my dresser drawer.
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