Rock Your Cares Away

Once upon a time, I was exploring a thrift store and something orange caught my eye in the children’s rack. It was a little boy’s shirt with white trim and some happy singing Fraggles on the front. The shirt was clearly too small for me, but I brought it home anyways.


When I got home I dug through my boxes of old clothes that were waiting to be refashioned until I found the perfect match for my Fraggle shirt. It was an old shirt of my mom’s with cheerful swirls of color. It was too big to wear, but I loved its colors.


I took the two unwearable shirts, chopped them up, and made them into something new. I love this top even though I don’t wear it much anymore. It always makes me happy.


I’m not sure if I’ve blogged about this shirt before. I made it in high school and I get excited every time I rediscover it in my dresser drawer.





13 responses to “Rock Your Cares Away”

  1. Eva

    The top looks great.
    I’m wondering about where you get your ideas from for fixing up old shirts and clothes in general? Are there any blogs or web sites you can recommend with ideas, instructions and how-tos for re-using old shirts and clothes and making something new?

  2. Eva

    The top looks great.
    I’m wondering about where you get your ideas from for fixing up old shirts and clothes in general? Are there any blogs or web sites you can recommend with ideas, instructions and how-tos for re-using old shirts and clothes and making something new?

  3. Awesome! Now I’ll have “Dance Your Cares Away” stuck in my head for a few hours, but that’s not so bad because it might help me pick up the pace and give my morning a little zip!

  4. Very cute! That material would make the perfect Wembly shirt.

  5. Very cute! That material would make the perfect Wembly shirt.

  6. that’s so awesome! man, i love fraggle rock!

  7. that’s so awesome! man, i love fraggle rock!

  8. I do love a bit of t-shirt surgery, and that looks fantastic! The shirts are a perfect match.

    Fraggle Rock should make everyone happy 🙂

  9. I do love a bit of t-shirt surgery, and that looks fantastic! The shirts are a perfect match.

    Fraggle Rock should make everyone happy 🙂

  10. So cute! I used to looooove Fraggle Rock when I was a wee one 🙂
    It fits you great. Yay for surgery.

  11. So cute! I used to looooove Fraggle Rock when I was a wee one 🙂
    It fits you great. Yay for surgery.

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