An Old WIP


This poor sweater! Do you remember when I started it? I cast it on in November last year, and judging by the old blog posts I found on it, I never gave it the attention it deserved. Between Christmas knits and my contributions to The Knit Generation, this sad thing just kept getting shoved aside, and after a month or so of being shuffled around, it eventually ended up in a drawer where it sat until today. From the looks of this blog post, I haven’t worked on my cardigan since mid December! I think it’s time for it to get a little attention, don’t you?






10 responses to “An Old WIP”

  1. irene

    and it looks like you don’t even have to do so much anymore to finish it…hihihi…:-)

  2. Emma

    Wow, that looks really pretty! Love the clean simple lines and the colour. I hope you’ll make this a pattern 🙂

  3. Lorene Frischknecht

    This is a very pretty pattern and I love the shade of yarn you are using! Is this a free pattern, and if not, where may one get it? Thanks so much, Lorie

    1. There’s no pattern yet. It’s my own design.

  4. I think you should finish this one. Was this your attempt to try and knit a Christmas sweater last year? It is a great colour and I like how the stripes pop out.

  5. It looks cute so far! 🙂 How is the Christmas sweater going? I don’t remember an update in the last couple of months.

    1. Are you reading my mind? That’s what my next blog post is going to be about!

  6. Gennie

    Hi Andi, did you know both of your links go to the same place? Had to track down your Rav page to figure out what that cute cardigan is!

    1. Oops! I’ll get the link fixed.

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